A working smoke alarm increases your chances of surviving a fire by more than 50%.

Pass the Test. Just press the red test button with your finger. If the alarm fails to sound, change the battery or replace the alarm.
Double Your Chances. Smoke alarms can be a love-hate relationship. We love that they can double our chances of surviving a fire, but hate the sound when they go off due to burnt toast. Remember, don’t yank the batteries, remove the covers or disable your smoke alarms.
Location. Location. Put your smoke alarms in every bedroom, in hallway close to sleeping areas, and in busy rooms like your living room, family room, but not in the kitchen where non-threatening cooking smoke (or burnt toast) can too easily set it off.
So go ahead, put a finger on it! Test all your smoke alarms once a month and save lives!


Cleaning your chimney on a regular basis prevents a smoke-filled room and prevents fires and sparks which are fire hazards. Birds and other animals may nest in unmaintained chimneys. Chimney Sweeps are available in the Austin Area.


Dryer vents, hoses, and screens should be cleaned on a regular basis throughout the year. If your dryer vents through the roof of your home a chimney sweep can assist as well as your appliance repair company.


Air conditioners are equipped with a drain that is clearly visible when changing the filter. This condensation drain should be cleaned on a regular basis. Not cleaning the condensation drain can result in clogs which can result in damage to your or a neighbor’s home.


Check your water heater! The calcium content of central Texas water can cause the water heater to fill up with calcium. Contact your appliance service company to schedule a clean out of your hot water heater. It will extend the life of the appliance and increase efficiency.